Welcome to Cultivate... Spring Mountain - 3615 Spring Mountain Rd Monday-Sunday: 8:00 AM-3:00 AM Durango - 7105 N. Durango Dr. #120 Monday-Sunday: 8:00 AM-12:00 AM
Welcome to Cultivate... Spring Mountain - 3615 Spring Mountain Rd Monday-Sunday: 8:00 AM-3:00 AM Durango - 7105 N. Durango Dr. #120 Monday-Sunday: 8:00 AM-12:00 AM
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Seth Rogen Just Announced His Own Weed Brand & People Are Losing Their Minds Seth Rogen Just Announced His Own Weed Brand & People Are Losing Their Minds


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Female Consumers Increasingly Support Cannabis Industry In The US Female Consumers Increasingly Support Cannabis Industry In The US


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The cannabis industry increasingly has an important demographic on its side. In 2019, 61% of women surveyed in the US...

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Virginia Joins 15 Other States In Legalizing Marijuana Virginia Joins 15 Other States In Legalizing Marijuana


The Virginia Legislature approved adult-use marijuana legalization Saturday in a historic vote marking the first state in the Old South...

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How does cannabis affect hormones that control appetite, stress, and fertility? How does cannabis affect hormones that control appetite, stress, and fertility?


If a craving for fudge brownies or gummy snakes has ever blindsided you, you’ve likely experienced the power of hormones....

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With each passing year, the cannabis industry matures and continues to grow exponentially. Not only in the size of the...

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CBD oil and cancer: What the research shows CBD oil and cancer: What the research shows


CBD oil has long been utilised for its various therapeutic effects, but what about its effect on cancer? Read on...

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How Does CBD Oil Work and what is the Best Way to Use it? How Does CBD Oil Work and what is the Best Way to Use it?


CBD or cannabidiol is a compound that is found in the two cannabis plants – hemp and marijuana. It is...

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How to Roll a Perfect Blunt: A Step-by-Step Guide How to Roll a Perfect Blunt: A Step-by-Step Guide


What is a blunt? A blunt is to a joint what a cigar is to a cigarette. Or more simply,...

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What Are Dabs? [Complete Guide 2021] What Are Dabs? [Complete Guide 2021]


If you used marijuana ‘back in the day’, the sheer range of options available today may seem overwhelming. Once upon...

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This Is Why Cannabis Will Lead America's Economic Recovery This Is Why Cannabis Will Lead America's Economic Recovery


Walking through the streets of downtown Seattle, I struggle to get used to the fact that the drab gray, one-bedroom...

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MLK DAY: History of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. parade in Las Vegas MLK DAY: History of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. parade in Las Vegas


LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — The first Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. parade was held in Las Vegas back in 1982...

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7 States That Could Legalize Cannabis in 2021 7 States That Could Legalize Cannabis in 2021


2020 was a big year for the cannabis industry as four states—Arizona, Montana, New Jersey and South Dakota—legalized adult-use in...

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Flyin’ High: 2021 Cannabis Travel Guide Flyin’ High: 2021 Cannabis Travel Guide


Weed, marijuana, cannabis, pot, grass, ganja, dope, mary jane, hash, 420: we’re talking about that good good stuff. It’s been...

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A Tourist’s Guide To Nevada Marijuana Laws A Tourist’s Guide To Nevada Marijuana Laws


Are you planning a trip to Nevada? Nevada has become a state well known for its expansive public lands, amazing...

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What are cannabis vapes and how do you use them? What are cannabis vapes and how do you use them?


What are cannabis vapes and how do you use them? Cannabis vaporization is growing in popularity among people interested in...

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What is the difference between CBD and CBN? What is the difference between CBD and CBN?


CBD and CBN are cannabinoid compounds, found in large amounts in the cannabis plant. There are some key differences between...

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Resin vs. Live Resin vs. Rosin: What’s the Difference? Resin vs. Live Resin vs. Rosin: What’s the Difference?


One of the most staggering things about cannabis today is the sheer variety of forms it comes in. While many...

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Marijuana Is Now Maine's Biggest Agricultural Commodity Marijuana Is Now Maine's Biggest Agricultural Commodity


Maine is known for its wild blueberries and potatoes but marijuana has surpassed them to become the state’s most valuable crop....

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Can CBD elp athletic performance? Can CBD elp athletic performance?


For high-level athletes, and those of us who strive to reach such heights, the search for performance-enhancing substances is eternal...

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Cannabis Tinctures 101: How To Make, Consume, And Dose Them Cannabis Tinctures 101: How To Make, Consume, And Dose Them


What is a cannabis tincture? Cannabis tinctures are alcohol-based cannabis extracts—essentially, cannabis-infused alcohol. In fact, tinctures were the main form...

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Researchers Reveal How Curing Cannabis Affects Terpene Levels Researchers Reveal How Curing Cannabis Affects Terpene Levels


New analysis by the research-focused terpenes firm Eybna Technologies shows how various terpenes are affected by the cannabis curing process....

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Why Does Weed Make Your Eyes Red? Why Does Weed Make Your Eyes Red?


Among the most common effects of marijuana use (and telltale signs you’ve recently partaken) is red, bloodshot eyes. It’s to...

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People Who Use Cannabis Are Healthier and Less Likely to Get Cancer, Study Suggests People Who Use Cannabis Are Healthier and Less Likely to Get Cancer, Study Suggests


A meta-review of over 30 different clinical studies has found that cannabis use can decrease the risk of cancer by...

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How to pair cannabis and coffee How to pair cannabis and coffee


Too often the smell and taste of weed get overlooked. For those of us who spend the extra time to...

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Why Do We Weigh Cannabis in Grams? Why Do We Weigh Cannabis in Grams?


In the US, weed weights come in a variety of measurements. And the smallest of those measurements is the gram....

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How to Workout with CBD and Cannabis How to Workout with CBD and Cannabis


The popularity and demand for cannabidiol and CBD products have grown exponentially through the past number of years and for good reason. This...

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Cleaning Vape Coil: A 6 Step Beginner’s Guide Cleaning Vape Coil: A 6 Step Beginner’s Guide


After using your vape coil for some time, you must have realized the build-up of a thin film of residue....

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5 ways medical cannabis can help with chronic pain 5 ways medical cannabis can help with chronic pain


Pain management is one of the most common reason doctor’s are prescribing medical marijuana. Treating chronic pain can be complicated...

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Can CBD help deter hormone disrupter chemicals? Can CBD help deter hormone disrupter chemicals?


When hormone issues are caused by environmental factors, they can affect not only the ability to reproduce, but the aging...

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Five Months Into The Pandemic, How Is The Cannabis Industry Doing? Five Months Into The Pandemic, How Is The Cannabis Industry Doing?


In early 2020, the world as we know it changed when COVID-19 erupted into a global health crisis. This virus...

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Does cannabis affect your dreams? Does cannabis affect your dreams?


For some of us, a regular herbal nightcap makes slipping into sleep that much easier, and centuries of anecdotal evidence...

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Essential Guide To Making Your First Marijuana Experience A Great One Essential Guide To Making Your First Marijuana Experience A Great One


Cannabis shouldn’t create anxiety. Depending on the strain you use, it should ease anxiety, so let’s start there. As marijuana’s...

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The Pros and Cons of Sex while High on Cannabis The Pros and Cons of Sex while High on Cannabis


With the vast selection of fun new things to try in the bedroom, why give consuming cannabis beforehand a try?...

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How To Make An Apple Bong? How To Make An Apple Bong?


WHAT IS AN APPLE BONG? An apple bong is a homemade pipe constructed from an apple that is used to...

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For These Ancient Warrior Women, Cannabis Was A Part Of Everyday Life For These Ancient Warrior Women, Cannabis Was A Part Of Everyday Life


Imagine an enemy army on horseback heading in your direction, shooting hundreds of poison-tipped arrows into the sky, launching javelins,...

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Run The Jewels Announces New Cannabis Line Run The Jewels Announces New Cannabis Line


If celebrity-branded cannabis is your jam, you’re in luck, because Run The Jewels just announced a new cannabis line to...

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5 classic weed strains from the ‘60s you can still find today 5 classic weed strains from the ‘60s you can still find today


There is a big difference between the cannabis that was available in the 1960s and the cannabis you can get...

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Public Service Announcement: Gummy THC edibles will melt in a hot car. Public Service Announcement: Gummy THC edibles will melt in a hot car.


As the summer heat bakes America, we’re facing a new wrinkle in our ongoing national crisis: Record amounts of edible...

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How does cannabis get its color? Here’s why some strains turn purple. How does cannabis get its color? Here’s why some strains turn purple.


Environment and genetics both play a role in the coloration of a plant. But what exactly causes each variety to...

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6 Cannabis Heroes Worth Celebrating 6 Cannabis Heroes Worth Celebrating


A majority of Americans support cannabis legalization these days. According to the Pew Research Center, 61 percent of Americans think...

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Researchers Looking At CBD To Treat COVID-19 Lung Inflammation Researchers Looking At CBD To Treat COVID-19 Lung Inflammation


Medical professionals are looking into cannabinoids for coronavirus treatment. Coronavirus cases are surging and the president and his advisors are...

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5 Types of Weed Concentrates (Dabs) 5 Types of Weed Concentrates (Dabs)


Do you know your concentrates? Find out. Dabs, otherwise known as cannabis concentrates, come in many different shapes, sizes, and...

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MASK MANDATE: What You Need To Know In Nevada MASK MANDATE: What You Need To Know In Nevada


LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak has mandated people must wear face coverings while in public spaces which...

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How to Meditate While Smoking-In During Quarantine How to Meditate While Smoking-In During Quarantine


Healthcare is expensive. Self-care is free. Here are some tips from Swami Chaitanya of Swami Select for staying on course...

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How To Photograph Weed Like A Pro How To Photograph Weed Like A Pro


We break down the gear you’ll need and provide helpful tips for shooting pot like a pro. Quality pot photography...

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We're Open For In-Store Retail! We're Open For In-Store Retail!


Come on in we are Open for In-Store Retail! The wait is finally over. We are excited to see all...

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Weed Store, Cannabis Store, Cannabis Delivery, Recreational Dispensary & Cannabis Dispensary Las Vegas, NV, North Las Vegas, NV, Spring Valley, NV, Paradise, NV & Corn Creek, NV

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3615 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas, NV 89102

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7105 N. Durango Dr. #120 Las Vegas, Nevada 89149


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